Cognitive Science Jose Luis Bermudez Pdf

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Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Science of the Mind (Cambridge UP - 2nd edition). Download pdf × Close Log In. Jose Luis Bermudez. Cognitive SCienCe An Introduction to the Science of the Mind This exciting textbook introduces students to the dynamic vibrant area of cognitive science – the scientific study of the mind and cognition. Cognitive science draws upon many academic disciplines, including psychology, computer science, philosophy, linguistics, and neuroscience.

  1. Andersen, R. A.: 1995, 'Coordinate Transformations and Motor Planning in Posterior Parietal Cortex', in M. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  2. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1994, 'Peacocke's Argument Against the Autonomy of Nonconceptual Content', Mind and Language9, 203–18.Google Scholar
  3. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1995a,' Syntax, Semantics and Levels of Explanation', Philosophical Quarterly45, 361–7.Google Scholar
  4. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1995b,' The Notion of a Nonconceptual Point of View', in J. L. BermÚdez, A. J. Marcel and N. Eilan (eds).Google Scholar
  5. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1995c,' Nonconceptual Content: from Perceptual Experience to Subpersonal Computational States', Mind and Language10, 333–69Google Scholar
  6. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1998, The Paradox of Self-Consciousness, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  7. BermÚdez, J. L.: 2000,' A Difference without a Distinction', in J. L. BermÚdez and N. Elton (eds).Google Scholar
  8. BermÚdez, J. L.: forthcoming, Thinking without Words.Google Scholar
  9. BermÚdez, J. L. and M. E. Elton: 2000, Personal and Subpersonal Explanation, Philosophical Explorations2 (special issue).Google Scholar
  10. BermÚdez, J. L., A. J. Marcel, and N. Eilan (eds): 1995, The Body and the Self, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  11. Bruner, J. S.: 1975,' The Ontogenesis of Speech Acts', Journal of Child Language2, 1–19.Google Scholar
  12. Butterworth, G. E. and L. Hicks: 1977, 'Visual Proprioception and Postural Stability inInfancy: A Developmental Study', Perception6, 255–62.Google Scholar
  13. Castañeda, H.-N.: 1966. 'He': A Study in the Logic of Self-Consciousness', Ratio8, 130–57.Google Scholar
  14. Cole, J. and J. Paillard: 1995,' Living without Touch and Peripheral Information about Body Position and Movement: Studies with Deafferented Subjects', in J. L. BermÚdez, A. J. Marcel, and N. Eilan (eds).Google Scholar
  15. Eilan, N., R. McCarthy, and M. W. Brewer (eds.): 1993, Spatial Representation: Problems in Philosophy and Psychology, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.Google Scholar
  16. Evans, Gareth: 1982, The Varieties of Reference, Clarendon Press, Oxford.Google Scholar
  17. Field, J.: 1976,' Relation of Young Infants' Reaching Behaviour to Stimulus Distance and Solidity', Developmental Psychology12, 444–8.Google Scholar
  18. Fodor, J. A.: 1983, The Modularity of Mind, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  19. Gallistel, C. R.: 1990, The Organization of Learning, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  20. Gibson, J. J.: 1979, The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Google Scholar
  21. Goodale, M. A. and A. D. Milner: 1992, 'Separate Visual Pathways for Perception and Action', Trends in Neuroscience15, 20–5.Google Scholar
  22. Jeannerod, M.: 1997, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Action, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.Google Scholar
  23. Klinnert, M. D., J. J. Campos, J. F. Sorce, R, N. Emde, and M. Svejda: 1983, 'Emotions as Behaviour Regulators: Social Referencing in Infancy' in R. Plutchik and H. Kellerman (eds), Emotion: Theory, Research, Experience, Academic Press, Boston.Google Scholar
  24. Lee, D. N. and E. Aronson: 1974, 'Visual Proprioceptive Control of Standing in Human Infants', Perception and Psychophysics15, 529–32.Google Scholar
  25. Leung, E. and H. Rheinhold: 1981, 'Development of Pointing as a Social Gesture', Developmental Psychology17, 215–20.Google Scholar
  26. Lishman, J. R. and D. N. Lee: 1973, 'The Autonomy of Visual Kinaesthetics', Perception2, 287–94.Google Scholar
  27. McCarthy, R. A.: 1993, 'Assembling Routines and Addressing Representations: An Alternative Conceptualization of 'What' and 'Where' in the Human Brain', in N. Eilan, R. McCarthy, and M. W. Brewer (eds).Google Scholar
  28. Marr, D.: 1982, Vision, W. H. Freeman, San Fransisco.Google Scholar
  29. Martin, G. B. and R. D. Clark: 1982, 'Distress Crying in Neonates: Species and Peer Specificity', Developmental Psychology18, 3–9.Google Scholar
  30. Meltzoff, A. N. and M. K. Moore: 1977. 'Imitation of Facial and Manual Gestures by Human Neomnates', Science198, 75–8.Google Scholar
  31. Neisser, U.: 1988, 'Five Kinds of Self-Knowledge', Philosophical Psychology1, 35–59.Google Scholar
  32. Pope, M. J.: 1984, Visual Proprioception in Infant Postural Development, PhD Thesis, University of Southampton.Google Scholar
  33. Ramachandran, V. S.: 1994, 'Phantom Limbs, Neglect Syndromes, Repressed Memories, and Freudian Psychology', International Review of Neurobiology37, 291–333.Google Scholar
  34. Scaife, M. and J. S. Bruner: 1975, 'The Capacity for Joint Visual Attention in the Infant', Nature253, 265–6.Google Scholar
  35. Shoemaker, S.: 1968, 'Self-Reference and Self-Awareness', The Journal of Philosophy65, 555–67.Google Scholar
  36. Stern, D.: 1985, The Interpersonal World of the Infant, Basic Books, New York.Google Scholar
  37. Trevarthen, C. and P. Hubley: 1978, 'Secondary Intersubjectivity: Confidence, Confiding and Acts of Meaning in the First Year', in A. Lock (ed.), Action, Gesture, Symbol: The Emergence of Language, Academic Press, London.Google Scholar
  38. Ungerleider, M. and L. Mishkin: 1982, 'Two Cortical Visual Systems', in D. J. Ingle, M.A. Goodale, and R. J. W. Mansfield (eds), Analysis of Visual Behaviour, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  39. Von Hofsten, C.: 1982, 'Foundations for Perceptual Development', Advances in Infancy Research2, 241–61.Google Scholar

Cognitive Science Jose Luis Bermudez Pdf

  1. Andersen, R. A.: 1995, 'Coordinate Transformations and Motor Planning in Posterior Parietal Cortex', in M. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  2. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1994, 'Peacocke's Argument Against the Autonomy of Nonconceptual Content', Mind and Language9, 203–18.Google Scholar
  3. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1995a,' Syntax, Semantics and Levels of Explanation', Philosophical Quarterly45, 361–7.Google Scholar
  4. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1995b,' The Notion of a Nonconceptual Point of View', in J. L. BermÚdez, A. J. Marcel and N. Eilan (eds).Google Scholar
  5. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1995c,' Nonconceptual Content: from Perceptual Experience to Subpersonal Computational States', Mind and Language10, 333–69Google Scholar
  6. BermÚdez, J. L.: 1998, The Paradox of Self-Consciousness, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  7. BermÚdez, J. L.: 2000,' A Difference without a Distinction', in J. L. BermÚdez and N. Elton (eds).Google Scholar
  8. BermÚdez, J. L.: forthcoming, Thinking without Words.Google Scholar
  9. BermÚdez, J. L. and M. E. Elton: 2000, Personal and Subpersonal Explanation, Philosophical Explorations2 (special issue).Google Scholar
  10. BermÚdez, J. L., A. J. Marcel, and N. Eilan (eds): 1995, The Body and the Self, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  11. Bruner, J. S.: 1975,' The Ontogenesis of Speech Acts', Journal of Child Language2, 1–19.Google Scholar
  12. Butterworth, G. E. and L. Hicks: 1977, 'Visual Proprioception and Postural Stability inInfancy: A Developmental Study', Perception6, 255–62.Google Scholar
  13. Castañeda, H.-N.: 1966. 'He': A Study in the Logic of Self-Consciousness', Ratio8, 130–57.Google Scholar
  14. Cole, J. and J. Paillard: 1995,' Living without Touch and Peripheral Information about Body Position and Movement: Studies with Deafferented Subjects', in J. L. BermÚdez, A. J. Marcel, and N. Eilan (eds).Google Scholar
  15. Eilan, N., R. McCarthy, and M. W. Brewer (eds.): 1993, Spatial Representation: Problems in Philosophy and Psychology, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.Google Scholar
  16. Evans, Gareth: 1982, The Varieties of Reference, Clarendon Press, Oxford.Google Scholar
  17. Field, J.: 1976,' Relation of Young Infants' Reaching Behaviour to Stimulus Distance and Solidity', Developmental Psychology12, 444–8.Google Scholar
  18. Fodor, J. A.: 1983, The Modularity of Mind, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  19. Gallistel, C. R.: 1990, The Organization of Learning, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  20. Gibson, J. J.: 1979, The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Google Scholar
  21. Goodale, M. A. and A. D. Milner: 1992, 'Separate Visual Pathways for Perception and Action', Trends in Neuroscience15, 20–5.Google Scholar
  22. Jeannerod, M.: 1997, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Action, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.Google Scholar
  23. Klinnert, M. D., J. J. Campos, J. F. Sorce, R, N. Emde, and M. Svejda: 1983, 'Emotions as Behaviour Regulators: Social Referencing in Infancy' in R. Plutchik and H. Kellerman (eds), Emotion: Theory, Research, Experience, Academic Press, Boston.Google Scholar
  24. Lee, D. N. and E. Aronson: 1974, 'Visual Proprioceptive Control of Standing in Human Infants', Perception and Psychophysics15, 529–32.Google Scholar
  25. Leung, E. and H. Rheinhold: 1981, 'Development of Pointing as a Social Gesture', Developmental Psychology17, 215–20.Google Scholar
  26. Lishman, J. R. and D. N. Lee: 1973, 'The Autonomy of Visual Kinaesthetics', Perception2, 287–94.Google Scholar
  27. McCarthy, R. A.: 1993, 'Assembling Routines and Addressing Representations: An Alternative Conceptualization of 'What' and 'Where' in the Human Brain', in N. Eilan, R. McCarthy, and M. W. Brewer (eds).Google Scholar
  28. Marr, D.: 1982, Vision, W. H. Freeman, San Fransisco.Google Scholar
  29. Martin, G. B. and R. D. Clark: 1982, 'Distress Crying in Neonates: Species and Peer Specificity', Developmental Psychology18, 3–9.Google Scholar
  30. Meltzoff, A. N. and M. K. Moore: 1977. 'Imitation of Facial and Manual Gestures by Human Neomnates', Science198, 75–8.Google Scholar
  31. Neisser, U.: 1988, 'Five Kinds of Self-Knowledge', Philosophical Psychology1, 35–59.Google Scholar
  32. Pope, M. J.: 1984, Visual Proprioception in Infant Postural Development, PhD Thesis, University of Southampton.Google Scholar
  33. Ramachandran, V. S.: 1994, 'Phantom Limbs, Neglect Syndromes, Repressed Memories, and Freudian Psychology', International Review of Neurobiology37, 291–333.Google Scholar
  34. Scaife, M. and J. S. Bruner: 1975, 'The Capacity for Joint Visual Attention in the Infant', Nature253, 265–6.Google Scholar
  35. Shoemaker, S.: 1968, 'Self-Reference and Self-Awareness', The Journal of Philosophy65, 555–67.Google Scholar
  36. Stern, D.: 1985, The Interpersonal World of the Infant, Basic Books, New York.Google Scholar
  37. Trevarthen, C. and P. Hubley: 1978, 'Secondary Intersubjectivity: Confidence, Confiding and Acts of Meaning in the First Year', in A. Lock (ed.), Action, Gesture, Symbol: The Emergence of Language, Academic Press, London.Google Scholar
  38. Ungerleider, M. and L. Mishkin: 1982, 'Two Cortical Visual Systems', in D. J. Ingle, M.A. Goodale, and R. J. W. Mansfield (eds), Analysis of Visual Behaviour, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.Google Scholar
  39. Von Hofsten, C.: 1982, 'Foundations for Perceptual Development', Advances in Infancy Research2, 241–61.Google Scholar